----------------------- Simone Tellini Order form for Piazza Resistenza 2 42016 Guastalla RE Interface Editor ITALY ----------------------- Dear Simone, I'd like to receive the latest REGISTERED version of IE. I include the registration fee of ( ) LIT. 30.000 (Italy ONLY) ( ) US $ 25 (Rest of the world) Name __________________ Surname ________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Country _____________ Phone Number +__________________ FAX ___________________ E-Mail _________________________ Data __________________ Sign _________________________ Amiga owned: Kickstart: Memory: ___ Mb ( ) 500 ( ) 500+ ( ) 1.3 ( ) 3.0 HardDisk: ___ Mb ( ) 2000 ( ) 3000 ( ) 2.04 ( ) 3.1 ( ) 1200 ( ) 4000 ( ) 2.1 Modem: _____ Baud # +_____________ Have you got an other computer? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, which? ____________________________ Do you use Amiga to: ( ) Play Games ( ) DTP ( ) DTV ( ) Assembly coding ( ) C coding ( ) _______ coding ( ) Word-Processing ( ) Database ( ) Spreadsheet ( ) __________ What kind of programs would you like to find in the Shareware? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Suggestions for a new program ;) : ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________